What is ‘Halakah’?

This is the whole of Jewish law, affecting both rituals and ethics, how one behaves in synagogue, at home and in society, one’s private and public life. It derives from the Bible, but has been evolved over the centuries by rabbinic interpretation as new...

What is the Difference Between Torah and Talmud?

The Torah refers to the Five Books of Moses (also known as the Pentateuch), which for Jews is the core part of the Jewish faith and the source of the main laws and ethics. The Talmud is a record of the rabbinic debates in the 2nd-5th century on the teachings of the...

What is a Tallit?

A Tallit is a prayer shawl, which is rectangular in shape and has fringes attached to the four corners of the garment. This is based on a verse in the Bible (Numbers 15.37). It is worn at daytime services – whether conducted at home or in synagogue. It is...

What do Jews do When Someone Dies?

There are different customs depending on whether one is an Orthodox or Reform Jew. The Orthodox have strict laws restricting other people from touching a dead body, and seek to have a burial within three days. They try to avoid autopsies unless required by law, as it...